
Investigating Gitignore

A few days ago, I was working on a side project and wanted to hide a few files from Git. In the process, .gitignore caught my eye, and I started digging deeper into it. .gitignore ignores files or directories but doesn’t hide them, but how? Let’s investigate! A .gitignore file is used to specify …

Get Started With Scp

scp is a secure way of transferring files from one computer to another. It uses ssh to transfer files, safely and securely. In order to transfer files from one computer to another, type the following command: scp /location/of/the/file username@ip_address_of_remote_computer:/location For example: scp …

Get Started With Tmux

In this tutorial, let’s learn some basics of tmux, to get started right away. What Is Tmux Tmux is a window multiplexer, which allows you to have multiple terminal sessions within a single terminal window or to detach and reattach sessions. To install tmux, just type the following command: …